Mobile musicians like Rheyne and ANI use live jam sessions to build audiences and try out new ideas and technologies via YouTube, Ustream and Twitch. But this has its own challenges: artists are under pressure to deliver a great spontaneous show with livelooping and mobile devices, while acting as film directors, video producers and technical experts. What are the best practices for improvising music on mobile devices while using GoPro cameras, smartphones, etc?

In this hands-on session, Calixte Tayoro will show you how it can be done. In his Blip Machines guise, he invites any musician with an iPhone, iPad, iPod or Korg Volca to join him for a one-off jam session.

Calixte Tayoro has worked for various technology companies such as Canal Web (Paris), Icon Medialab (Brussels) and Fronter (Oslo). Later he has been teaching kids with a multicultural background how to produce music and be creative with mobile apps. He’s currently recording his first album as Blip Machines.

Where: Hendrix Ibsen @ Vulkan, Oslo
When: Friday, March 4, 5:00 PM > 6:00 PM

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